Drawings 4 Crack _TOP_
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Previous studies examining the development of prenatally cocaine-exposed children through 3 years of age have found no significant differences between exposed and control groups. This study explored the developmental correlates of prenatal and/or postnatal crack cocaine exposure in children between 4 and 6 years of age. Three groups were studied: Group 1, 18 prenatally-exposed children whose mothers continue to use crack; Group II, 28 children without prenatal exposure whose mothers presently use crack; and Group III, 28 children whose mothers never used crack.
Emin's print painting playfully alludes to the way she represses her experiences of childhood and adolescence within the 'private' world of her adult identity. The child's jagged lines, bold colors, sharp angles and abrasive qualities of the message 'I'm not cracking' allude to the artist's emotional state at the time of the painting. The artist is projecting her suppressed emotional life into the carapace she has created for herself. The artist's mastery of color and line also links the work to the artist's past successes as a young painter. The print gives a glimpse into the person within Emin's surface.
In honor of the anniversary of the mural's creation, the original Crack Is Wack mural was recently redone by Keith Haring Project artist-in-residence Maria Piacenza, who has re-created Haring's masterpiece by re-coloring it in a new style; today, the new mural features bright colors and geometric outlines.
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